
Is Colourbond Steel or Timber Better for Your Patio, Veranda, or Carport Construction?

Choosing the right materials for your patio, veranda, or carport construction project can be a daunting task. Two popular options include Colourbond steel and timber, each with its own unique characteristics.  This guide delves into their pros and cons in terms of customisation, sustainability, lifespan, and more, providing you with the information you need to make an informed choice. As you explore these options, consider One Stop Patio Shop, your trusted patio builder Perth company that offers quality products and…

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Guide to Converting Your Open Patio into a Multi-Function Room

Are you a fan of your deck, porch, or patio in Perth but wish you could use it all the time? Does the hot sun, bugs, and rain keep you from taking advantage of the outdoors? A Perth patio enclosure will protect your space from the elements and allow you to make more use of it. One Stop Patio Shop has the right solutions whether you want to screen out your space or create a room that you can use all year.…

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How Perfect Privacy can be unlocked with a Perth Patio

Doors, blinds and curtains help us maintain privacy within the home. Gates and fences do a sufficient job of doing this in the front and backyards of our home, too. However, let’s face it – not everybody likes their neighbours and it’s not rude to require a bit of privacy within the boundaries of your home, be it indoors or outdoors. Fortunately, installing or working on your existing Perth patio can achieve added privacy within your very own backyard. Interested…

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3 Ways to Autumn-ise Your Patio

Autumn is that cooling off period between the sweltering heat of summer and chilly temperatures of winter. It’s the season where leaves fall, and we slowly but surely shift our outdoor entertaining back to the comfort of inside. However, you don’t have to give up outdoor living completely in the autumn months. Want to know how to make your patio autumn friendly? Read more from the Perth patio builders at One Stop Patio Shop to find out. Put comfort first…

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The Pros and Cons of Different Patio Materials

A patio is a great value adder to any home. Whether it’s for your own comfort, an extra living space or an investment for the future, there’s so many reasons why the people of Perth love their patios.  A patio is as personalised as the home and homeowner themselves, so of course, there’s a range of patio designs available.  Want to know the pros and cons of different patio materials?  Read more from One Stop Patio Shop to find out.    Aluminium patios  Aluminium patios are…

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How to Identify and Create the Perfect Patio for You

How to Identify and Create the Perfect Patio for You A patio truly can transform an outdoor area. Whether it’s a country cottage, an urban oasis or suburban sanctuary. If you’re thinking of building one in your backyard, you may wonder what the perfect patio is for you and your needs. Interested to find out about the different patio designs and discovering the best patio for you? Read more from the patios Perth specialists at One Stop Patio Shop to…

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How to Ensure a Pet Friendly Patio

For many of us, our pets are rightful, respected and loved members of our family. So, just as we childproof our homes for our children, it’s important to create a safe, optimised outdoor space for furry family members, too. Not sure where and how to start? Read more from the team who know everything patios Perth at One Stop Patio Shop on how to ensure a pet friendly patio. Create a shaded area Hats, sunscreen and sunglasses just isn’t a…

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Your Guide to SolarSpan Patios

SolarSpan…must have something to do with the sun, right? Well, yes! A SolarSpan patio is an exciting new product available from patio Perth professionals at One Stop Patio Shop. With a multitude of benefits, made from high-quality materials – SolarSpan patios are proving to be a popular choice for the people who want luxury without the high price tag. Interested to know what they’re all about? Read on to find out. What is a SolarSpan patio? Hot off the press…

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How to Prepare Your Perth Patio for Winter

Patios add such a spark to homes, from an extra living area, an outdoor sanctuary and an overall addition to an entertainer’s quarters. Yet most of us are still under the impression that patios are for summer and warmer weather only. In Perth, we’re lucky to have pretty mild winter weather conditions. So, with a little touch here and there and clever patio design ideas, winter will prove no excuse to ignore your patio. Read more from One Stop Patio…

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6 Patio Ideas for Winter in Perth

Summer BBQs and outside-only get togethers are all done and dusted for the next 3 months, nut that doesn’t mean saying goodbye to outdoor entertaining and letting your Perth patio grow cobwebs as the weather gets colder. With some helpful and cost-effective patio ideas and implementations, you’ll be having breakfasts, lunches, dinners and shindigs, free from the rain and cold. Read more from One Stop Patio Shop to see how clever Perth patio designs and patio flooring will reignite your…

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Our friendly, qualified patio expert will contact you within 48 hours to arrange an onsite consultation. We will measure the area to be covered and provide you with a formal quote on the same day.